Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dangers of Texting and Driving

The effect of text messaging while driving
by: Tony Giannini
Grade A Driving Academy (South Jersey)

This article will cover my own personal thoughts and fact about the effects that texting and driving.

Technology and the way we communicate with each other has changes so fast over the past few years it's hard to keep up. i remember 10 years ago, someone said that all this so called technology will free up more time in our lives. I don't know about you, but I haven't seen it. I have to admit, getting a message across to someone is a lot easier today then it used to be. Although, I didn't expect my life to be put on the line because of it.

Since the advent of the text message, we as a society are well aware of the dangers it can reak on the road. Unfortunately, it's so easy to do that some disregard the risk and text anyway. Of course, I'm sure the thought that nothing will happen to me is logged in their brain somewhere. Maybe if they know that 16% of all crashes were caused by driver distraction, they may make a better decision.

I'm not saying that I am innocent in all this. I am guilty as charged! I've done it. Recently, I had a new born son, my first. You want to know how I broke myself of the bad habit. I though of him. really, that simple. Think of the ones in your life that have great meaning to you. Is it worth the risk, putting your life on the line for what. A text? Not me! Go stand by the street and feel the power a car has as it zips past you. now think of the damage it can do if it's out of control. There is no way to focus on the road and do what needs to be done and react the way one should if your looking down at a phone and texting. Plain and simple.

Many studies have been done on the effects of texting and driving. They all say the same thing./ It impairs your ability to operate a motor vehicle. On average, a person texting will take there eyes off the road for a period of five seconds. Just to give you an idea, if your on the highway traveling 50 or 60 mph, in 5 seconds you will travel about the distance of almost 2 football fields! lot can happen, and it's the things that you don't expect, that put is a bad position.

We get so used to driving, we all think were pros! Driving takes a lot of concentration and focus. If your texting while driving, your mind is not focused on the task at hand, DRIVING! Put the phone on silent mode, if you have to text, or talk to someone, pull over. It's worth your life. Think of the people you have in your life that have great meaning. Think about them when you feel the urge to text. Stay safe and help to keep me safe. I'm on the road with you. My son is most likely in the car seat in the back. He dosen't deserve to be put into that position because someone feels the need to text while they are driving.

Help to make our roads a safer place to drive. Do the right thing.

Tony Giannini
Grade A Driving Academy

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Grade A Driving Academy   Stratford, NJ 08084  856-258-4315
For drivers ages 16 and up, MVC offers a three-phase process:
Student learner's permit (minimum six months of supervised driving)
Probationary license (minimum one year of restricted but unsupervised driving)
Basic driver license (must be 18 years old)

Get a student learner's permit
Visit an MVC Agency with a licensed driving instructor
Pass the knowledge test. You can study by reading MVC's Driver Manual
Pass the vision test
Bring a primary 4-point ID (civil birth certificate, US Passport, US Department of State birth certificate, US adoption papers, certificate of naturalization or certificate of citizenship)
Show proof of enrollment in a driver training course
Present a signed letter with parental or guardian consent
Pay fee
Permits are valid for two years and must be carried when operating a vehicle
If your permit is lost or stolen, you must request a duplicate. Duplicates must be obtained by the driving school

Practice supervised driving for at least six months
You must observe the following restrictions during the supervised driving period:
Display a reflectorized decal on each license plate (front/back); decals available at motor vehicle agencies, $4 per pair
No driving after 11:01 p.m. and before 5:00 a.m.
You must be accompanied in the front seat by an adult supervising driver who is at least 21 years of age and who possesses a valid New Jersey driver license and has a minimum of three years driving experience
Parent(s), guardian(s) or dependant(s) are allowed as passengers. A dependant is a permit or probationary driver's child, not siblings
Only one additional passenger is allowed unless accompanied by a parent or guardian
You can't use cell phones, hand held video games or any other hands-free interactive, wireless communication device
Seat belts must be worn at all times
See GDL Exemptions for hours-related exemptions for employment or religious reasons

Get a probationary license
You must be at least 17 years of age
Complete the supervised driving period
Pass the 6 Point ID Verification
Pass MVC's road test
You must return after one year from date of issue to get a basic driver license

Practice unsupervised driving for at least one year
You must observe the following requirements and restrictions while driving with a probationary (formerly provisional) license:
Display a reflectorized decal on each license plate (front/back); decals available at motor vehicle agencies, $4 per pair
No driving after 11:01 p.m. and before 5:00 a.m.
Parent(s), guardian(s) or dependant(s) are allowed as passengers. A dependant is a permit or probationary driver's child, not siblings
Only one additional passenger is allowed unless accompanied by a parent or guardian
You can't use cell phones, hand held video games or any other hands-free interactive, wireless communication device
Seat belts must be worn at all times
See GDL Exemptions for hours-related exemptions for employment or religious reasons

Get a basic driver license
You must be at least 18 years old
Complete the unsupervised driving period
Go to any MVC Agency with your provisional license and other documents to pass the 6 Point ID Verification
Pay $24 license fee